Hey there, it's been a long time since my last post!
I am relieved to announce that another of my school projects is finished. Took me about month to finalise as I've had very hard time with learning RayFire. Should just watch few wideotuts instead of nailing it all by myself, which caused me a lot of problems and heart breaks. Scene is built of aprox.
20k fragments and 200k poly which is nothing my rig couldnt handle - the thing is, RF is completely independent from timeline - if you set time scale in RF window to about 0,2 to make slow motion simulations you will get keyframe every frame on the timeline, where 1/3 of them actually adds motion to the piece and the rest is just a dead weight and make motion seem like a slideshow (no smooth transition between keyframes). In the very end scene was about 3gb weight and each time loading it took my machine insane 15 minutes.
This short animation is about the union between the technology and art. The science-fiction like totem is being decomposed piece after piece showing only wires untouched. I'm convinced that all technical stuff like wires pipes bolts and joints between constructions won't be masked by glass, walls or wooden plates, but will cooperate with the whole building shape in creating it's artistic image. All machinery will be viewed by public as manifestation of the age, human capabilities and art, thus something which my totem represents will surely show up on future streets. I hope you will like it and I'll be thankful for any advice as what to correct and what should I keep an eye on when start creating new video.