I just got my hand on fresh, new and killer looking Playstation 3! It's more than just simple awesome. Shit would be almost divine if not the fact that it displays most games in 720p - makes difference when you hook it up to pc monitor, the difference between pc screen and hdtv is very large - to the advantage of tv obviously. Out of pure stupidity I got MGS4 as well . Why I would call buying best console title ever a stupidity? Its platinum. This is just ugly and hurts my eyes to watch this yellow abomination and I swear if the game will proove to be good I'l get the launch edition.
I've been with Sony Playstation system for 15 years now since 97' when got PSX from my parrents. Every one of them gave me shitloads of fun and consumed hundreds of hours. The very first great game for playstation was Crash Bandicoot. At the time all three of the series were already out so I had the great pleasure to finish all three of them with one of my 2 younger brothers. Later my collection expanded with titles such as Spyro the dragon, Resdident Evil, a mind blowing Metal Gear Solid and few others. After I got my very delayed PS2 in 2009 (finally had the money) there was Metal Gear Solid 2 (very long stretched and boring one to my surprise), Shadow of the Collossus (unbelievable and uncomparable gaming expirience), Killzone which I've found quite good (honestly, screw it, I just love Helghast design itself more than plot). Last and above all was Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater - absolute killer which surpassed in its epicness even the first MGS on PS1. Music, plot, action, heroes and heroines...
Now my PS3 lies beside monitor waiting. What's coming? Killzone 2 and 3 for sure - metal limited edition, nothing less. Other than that, Journey - an absolute priority, I love such isolated lonely atmosphere in games. Maybe Infamous and Uncharted.. maybe Assassins Creed and Mass Effect (these last two are very popular but never had the chance nor time to check'em out). Will see as time will pass.